The RG RX-93 “how is this not a Ver.Ka?” Nu Gundam
Today my son asked if I could draw him a Gundam to hang on his wall. When I said of course and asked which one he ran up to our backlog. (He likes to find a reason to go through them a few times a week) He came down with the box for the RG Nu. So together we looked online to find a good action shot for me to sketch for him, we landed on this one:

My Favorite Build Yet
We also have an HG Nu that he’s going to build while I’m working on the RG, but we needed to finish up his HG Shwalbe Graze first, so while I built legs tonight, I was simultaneously cutting out the pieces he needed for his Graze. We nearly finished his while I built leg frames.

After Liam had his fill of models for the evening and I finished the legs frames I had to choose whether to keep this a straight build and stick to the manual completing each piece before the final assembly, or to start jumping around and get the frame fully assembled before adding any armor.
I chose to complete the frame first because the few builds that have done it that way have been really enjoyable.
Here’s my day one progress on both Nu projects:

Planning ahead
Up until now, even on the build that I panel lined before I cut pieces out of the runners I’ve always neglected to line the very fine panel lines on the face and helmet. I was already taking my time by virtue of working runners for two kits simultaneously, so I decided to go ahead and line any parts like the face mask that will be nestled in other areas that will make it harder to clean up the messier parts of panel lining when assembled.

Chrome experimentation
I recently picked up a liquid chrome marker at Hobby Lobby, I think the bell-ends on the backpack, the calves and the soles of the feet would look pretty nice with a shiny chrome finish.

While waiting for the chrome to dry I snapped the rest of the armor on and started panel lining and adding the many included stickers. The build went a lot quicker than I was expecting, especially considering the majority of the time I was also nipping the parts my son was requesting for his HG RX-93 Nu. Also learned that even a gloss top coat will dull the mirror shine of that chrome, luckily it was on the less visible calf thrusters.
The sheer number of stickers included has left me wondering if a certain Mr. Hajime Katoki was involved with this.
After panel lining and adding stickers I forced myself to wait until the backpack and weapons are complete before I jump to top coating. This build is way too nice to risk those panel lines running.

Undergated Hellscape
This being only my second kit with undergated runners, I spent the first 70% of this build thinking “undergating isn’t that bad. No pock marks, it doesn’t take that much extra time. Why does everyone complain so much?”
Until I got to the fin funnels on the backpack. There are six, and each one is made up of at least four pieces which are undergated. Maybe it’s because of the repetition, but I’m left with the absolute certainty that undergating is a torture created in hell to punish geeks with to much time on their hands.

Top Coated
Added two layers of Mr. Super Clear matt top coat and BOY is she a beaut.
Aside from the quality of stickers over decals being a relative letdown, this is one of the best kits I’ve built yet.