MSA-0011 HGUC S-Gundam (AKA Superior Gundam) Build Completed. Gundam Sentinel Mobile Suit piloted by Ryou Roots. Commission work for a client. He wanted it to look more like the MG S-Gundam Ver 1.5 for the color scheme.
Lots of masking was done to make it look color separated. The head cheek vents especially were hard to mask. Seamline removal was also done to remove the bad out of box look which makes it a High Grade.
Posing was not too goo with the kit as well with the top being very heavy, and the long rifle not really good for posing. This is why even the MG S an EX-S Gundams are more of statues really.
Overall the kit is very nice once painted. Just took more work than I expected.