This build was done as a commission with the requirements of original color scheme, but with gold and gunmetal accents.
As my second commission piece, my aim was to keep this as clean as possible to fit the requirements & mix in the metallic paints without it being too harsh of a contrast. Another was to leverage more aftermarket/custom components to make it a truly unique build for the owner.
I experimented with glow in the dark paints for the camera and beam effects by using Culturehustle Lit pigment and Gaianotes clear green - it worked with a surprising amount of success.
I also replaced the standard thruster bells on the build with 6mm and 8mm HiQParts thruster bells to give it greater detail & variance given the standard thruster bells are all equal size and pretty simplistic.
Tutorials/Tips Created
I mixed 1g of Culturehustle Lit pigment in with 1.5g of Gaianotes Clear Green, then thinned at my normal ratio of 1:1.5 paint/thinner. It worked fine, but there seemed to be a bit excess of pigment floating about and I’ve considered dialing it back to 0.5-0.75g of pigment the next time around.
Supplies Used
All paints thinned with Mr Color Leveling Thinner unless otherwise noted.
- Gaianotes Evo Black Surfacer
- Gaianotes Evo White Surfacer
- Gaianotes Evo Pastel Pink Surfacer
- Gaianotes Nazca Heavy Surfacer
- Gaianotes Midnight Blue
- Gaianotes Neutral Gray I
- Gaianotes Gunmetal
- Gaianotes Nazca Flame Red
- Gaianotes Clear Green
- Mr Metal Color Gold
Topcoats & Detail
- Gaianotes Semi Gloss
- Gaianotes EX Flat Clear
- Tamiya Enamel Black (thinned with zippo lighter fluid, brushed on)
- Culturehustle Lit Pigment (Green)
- HiQParts 6mm & 8mm Thruster bells
- Bandai MG Deathscythe EW waterslide decals
WIP Photos: