Dynames is my favorite mobile suit design from my favorite Gundam anime series, so I wanted to take some extra time and make it excellent. I worked on this project for a total of 4 months, and overall I’m pleased with the result. I’m getting more confident in my scribing and detailing work, but there’s always room for more practice and improvement.

As has become tradition, Dynames is sporting custom Gunpla Gallery decals, this time on its rear thrusters. These are probably my favorite individual parts on the whole kit, just because they took so many steps to scribe and paint.

Colors used
Inner Frame
- Dark gray - E7 “Seriously, White?” from the E7 Artist Edition collection
- Light gray - E7 “Not Really White?” from the E7 Artist Edition collection
- White - E7 “So White” from the E7 Artist Edition collection
- Off-white - E7 “So So White” from the E7 Artist Edition collection
- Dark green - Custom mix of E7 B-05 Sand Green and B-09 Forrest Green
- Light green - E7 B-05 Sand Green
- Red - E7 B-02 Red Madder
- Yellow - E7 B-10 Ocra Yellow
- GN Drive internals and other metallic accents - Gaia 123 Star Bright Duraluminum
- Metallic accents and weapons - Gaia 020 Gunmetal
- Cameras - E7 AC-05 Shadow Blue over Gaia 123 Star Bright Duraluminum
I spent a lot of time experimenting with shades of green. I knew I wanted two shades for some color separation, but the two E7 greens I had were a bit too far apart. I ended up mixing a custom shade (the middle spoon in the photo below) and used that as the main green color with the lighter green as the accent color. I’m very pleased with how the greens turned out.

Overall, this was a really enjoyable build. The kit is super solid out of the box and leaves a lot of opportunity for customization and detailing. I’m already looking forward to Kyrios next, and hoping for an MG Exia 2.0 soon.