I decided to celebrate the addition of 30 Minutes Missions kits to the Gunpla Gallery kit catalog by building this Portanova. It’s my first time working with a 30 Minutes Missions kit, and while the build was simple it was also really fun. There’s quite a bit of nice detail already molded into the parts, and I wanted to add even more so I did a bit of scribing and added a few small 3d printed details.
After posing the primed kit for photos, I thought it would look better with a melee weapon. I went looking for an option part set that included a sword but ended up finding a battleaxe instead, and it really completed the look I was going for.
This started out as a quick side project, but it’s become one of my favorite builds so far. I usually build MG kits so this one seems really small, but I love all the detail I was able to include at this smaller scale.

I used Anchoret and Modo paints for the first time on this build, and I really like both brands. The Anchoret paints are surprisingly thick out of the bottle - I ended up thinning them 4:1 to get the consistency I like - and their coverage is amazing. The Modo golds are the best metallic colors I’ve ever used.
I chose the color scheme mostly because I wanted to test out these colors in preparation for an upcoming larger build. Here’s a list of all the colors that were used:
Frame and Weapons
- Anchoret 00-5 Cold Gray
- Anchoret 01-5 Cold Gray Light
- Anchoret 01-6 Weapon Gray
White Armor
- Anchoret 02-4 White 2
- Anchoret 02-5 White 3
Dark Blue Armor
- Anchoret 04-1 Ferrari Deep Blue
Gold Accents
- Modo MX 06 Pure Gold
- Modo MX 06 Champaigne Gold
Cameras and Sensors
- Anchoret 04-3 Pearl Turquoise Purple
And finally, a few photos showing the transformation from bare plastic to the final result.