Check out my MG Tallgeese III (Special Coating)! I was beyond excited when they announced that they would be selling these during the Gundam Expo 2020! So because of that, I was able to get my hands on one! Though expensive, this kit is so beautiful! The gun and the shield are beyond cool and well done!
However….I did run into a few problems that I believe only stem from the Special Coating version… The connection between the gun and shoulder is unbelievably stiff (When trying to remove the gun, I ripped the piece off -_-). I had to sand down the ball joint from the shoulder to the gun plus the joints in the adapter so it could freely move around…..Additionally, the tail ends from the shield have a small hole right where they connect to one another and (again I believe from the “Special Coating”) they have tendency to break when trying to move/remove them… Let’s just say that I’m “missing” 2 of them.
Overall, I love this kit. It’s pretty, and well done. Plus if you have worked on the other Tallgeese kits, this will be a walk down memory lane!