JMF-1337B Blazing Gundam [HYPER MODE]

alexvanpelt on Feb 21, 2022

Base Kit
HG JMF-1337B Blazing Gundam

I’ve been playing the Gundam Breaker Mobile game since it was released (Day 1 and on) and have enjoyed the story they have strung together as well as the original suits they developed for the game. So once I head they were producing a (very short) anime of the game, I was in. THEN THEY ANNOUCED REAL KITS TO GO ALONG WITH THE ANIME, I WAS 100000% IN.
Needless to say, my love for G Gundam got me really excited for this Blazing Gundam. I knew right away that I would be buying this though I wasn’t planning on building it in some time due to my backlog.
A friend decided to visit me from out of town and so we sat one evening to build kits together. That’s when I decided that I’d throw this guy together for fun. The build itself reminded me of the HG God Gundam (which it should) and got me excited to paint it. I jokingly threw around painting this gold since everything needs a Hyper Mode, and when Bandai announced the NA competition for the Battlogue kits, I decided to just do it.
This go around I did things a bit differently to try out new techniques and different paints. I did a layer of black gloss on everything with then a more metallic gold on top. The special piece of this was to put an emphasis on the foot and hands, so I looked into different Color-shifting paint. Due to time constraints, I decided to try Turbo Dork out as I could get that locally.
Overall, I’m VERY happy with how this turned out and am excited to share this with the community.
Please feel free to reach out to me for any questions via Twitter/Instagram.


When planning this paint job, I initially was going to mirror the standard God Gundam hyper mode with gold main body, green sensors and the foot to be a translucence red/orange.
Well, turning that teal/aqua clear plastic that the kit came with to clear red/orange was going to be bit hard….So I turned to my friends for their input and came to the conclusion of doing a Color-shift paint. After going through a lot of options from different providers, I decided to go with Turbo Dork as was something I could get locally.
I originally bought two different colors to test with from a local comic/model shop in my area. The two colors were:
I was very excited to test them out but had put off the testing until the last minute. I ran into a problem…. both bottles were almost impossible to “break loose”. The paint in both bottles were EXTREMELY chunky to the point where I couldn’t get the metal ball to break free so I could shake it properly. Now fair warning, this was my first time working with Water-based acrylics and I definitely messed up. In my panic, I used an Alcohol-based acrylic thinner which reacted very poorly with the two paints causing me to have to ditch them. I instantly ran to the store as I needed to paint that night.
I ended up getting a few different paints to test with to see which would work best. Additionally, I grabbed another bottle of Turbo Dork but also some Water-based acrylic thinner.

The paints I snagged to compare were:
- Mr. Metallic Color GX #206 Metal Purple
- Mr. Metallic Color GX #211 Metal Yellow Green
- Mr. Metallic Color GX #205 Metal Green
- Tamiya X-13 Metallic Blue
- Turbo Dork Blue Raspberry
You can see the comparison of the paints next to the Gold.
With the help of my wife, I decided to go with the Turbo Dork Color-shift and this time, using the correct thinner, was able to get it to spray in my airbrush. I mixed the thinner and paint directly in my paint cup following the instructions on the back of the thinner bottle which for my results came to be 1 part thinner to 1.25 part paint.
When discussing this project with friends, the topic of what black gloss to potentially use came up. Many recommendations were presented and example works to compare but I went down a different path.
Dspiae had recently pushed out their paint line towards the end of 2021 with some impressive colors and claims. After seeing some example work with their product, I knew in the future I would use their paints for a full project eventually. While shopping for different options, I saw that they had a black gloss (SPM-2 Super Black) and decided that this was the time to initially test it out.
I additionally purchased Dspiae’s T-02 Airbush Omega Color Thinner to mix with as a testing ground. After reading through their thinner details, I wanted the best potential match.
The ratio I used initially to mix the Super Black was 1 part paint to 1.5 parts thinner.
Needless to say, I’m impressed with Dspiae. The initial mix did the trick and sprayed amazingly. Dspiae has definitely won my business in the future.
Here is a quick video with the Dspiae Super Black on a plastic spoon and a few shots of the build fully assembled.

WIP Pictures: