I originally built this kit in 2015. My wife’s friends were coming over for a few days to visit. On one of those days, my wife and her friend decided to go off shopping without me and her friend’s husband. That spurred “get-to-know-you” conversations and led to some variation of “You like Gundam? I like Gundam. Let’s go buy some Gundam”. So we went to the local hobby shop and bought some models. This bad boy was my pick as I LOVE G GUNDAM.
I recently pulled him from his box and realized that I could definitely fix some rough spots as well as put some fresh paint on it. That got me thinking - “you know, I want this dude to be solid gold”- HYPER MODE. So that’s what I did. SOLID GOLD BABY.
Additionally, I was inspired to work on my God Gundam after seeing Sprngr’s God Gundam Custom build.
I had to get one of his bases as I thought it was unbelievably cool! Definitely go check out his Etsy for option parts and stickers : Sprngrs WorkBench
- Custom Sprngr Base with G Gundam Logo
- Tamiya X-12 Gold Leaf: for main body
- Tamiya X-26 Clear Orange: for option hands
- G Paint Dark Iron GP-008: for main coat on base
- Gundam Marker GM05: for silver lining on base
- Gundam Marker GM07: for lettering on base
- Gundam Marker GM08: for lettering on base
- Gundam Marker GM18: for eyes and sensors
- Gundam Marker GM168: for lettering on base

WIP Pictures: