MG Justice Gundam is complete. This build rounds out the trio of 2.0 Seed kits that includes the Providence and Freedom 2.0. Like the Providence, this kit is full of detail that lends itself to masking for some nice color separation. I tried to evoke a mechanical look by painting parts like vents and hatches to make it seem like they are operational. The kit is very similar to the Freedom and its not too difficult of a build.
Base mobile suit:

Detail shots:

Fatum-00. The flight unit is pretty bit and very detailed. I had fun masking this one and it wasn’t as bad as the unit on the back of the Providece.


Justice Gundam. I think the Justice looks great once equipped with the Fatum-00 unit. It definitely has trouble standing so I wouldnt recommend log term display without some sort of stand.

Detail shots:

Action shots:

Tried recreating the scene when the Freedom and Justice escaped Orb.

Shots along with similar kits.