MG Force Impulse Gundam Painted Build

anubispla on May 8, 2023

Base Kit
MG ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse GundamMG Force Impulse Gundam mini kit bash. I held off on building a MG Impulse for a while because I never liked the proportions of it, mainly the oversized hands and feet. I originally bought a MG EX-Impulse just to take the feet and hands from that kit but I would have had to mod them extensively since they are shaped differently from the stock Impulse. However, I later found out Daban made a MG Impulse and redesigned most of the armor parts on the kit. The design of the Daban Impulse was not for me, but the feet redesign worked and that’s when I decided to finally build an Impulse. Took just the feet from that kit as I wanted this Impulse to be mostly Bandai. The hands are from a MG Justice. The hands did not need any modification aside from some pins to be able to hold on to the beam rifle.
Impulse Gundam

Detail Shots

Core Splendor

Silhouette Flyer

Full Loadout

Force Impulse Gundam

Action Shots