MG Heavyarms Custom is complete! This is the third of the EW OVA MG set that I want to complete in 2022. Only Altron and Wing Zero left. This build was pretty standard fare for a Wing MG. The frame is mostly the same with most of the changes happening in the chest. Seam lines had to be removed on the gatling guns but that was pretty much it. The only other tricky part of the build was painting the light blue on the shoulders and on the waist armor. Bandai gives you stickers to correct this but that is something that I did not want to use. To paint these parts what I did was spray on the light blue first and then use the stickers as a mask.

Detail shots.


The only weapons included are the dual gatling guns. My favorite types of builds are mobile suits like these were only one set of weapons are included and by default they all store on the kit. A few that come to mind are the MG Buster and MG Gundam X.


The three OVA builds so far. I built them in this order to recreate the scene at the end where they get blown up together :’(