Pretty problem-free build and paint job here. My local hobby store had the Titan Version but since I was going to paint it anyway, I picked it up. The MK II Is one of my favorite Gundam designs overall as I definitely like the more militaristic and simple styles that the UC gives.

There are only really bad seam lines on the weapons and other than that, there’s nothing I’d say is a major issue. The exhaust piping material that this kit is know for was a little annoying in the way that they can be hard to get on if you paint your kits and don’t put it on in the specific order. Also after cutting the one size they give you, the ends fray up a bunch so maybe wrap some tape or use super glue to keep the ends tight. Overall for an older kit, it was not bad at all.

For the paints, I used Mr. Color and Alclad II for the metal/frame painting. Topcoat was Mr. Color GX 114.