This is one of my more recent builds I finished a few months back. I was deeply inspired by Saintism’s version which was one of the reasons for leaving off the ZZ armor. The other reason is that I just like the way it looks without it. I do plan on adding it but since the paint is not gonna survive once I put it on, I wanted to appreciate it in this form for a bit. Not to mention this was a beast of a kit and took a long time to paint and saint all the joints that would scrap.

Like most of my painting, I used Mr. Color for most of it and Alclad for the metallic and inner frame parts. I also used some Vallejo Metallic for some of the Vents that show to get some color separation. I know this kit is in one color for most of it but I like how it has that menacing militaristic look. I feel it has enough detail and panel lining by default so I did t add any extra either.