MG Freedom Gundam 2.0 Painted Build

anubispla on Nov 29, 2021

Base Kit
MG ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam Ver.2.0MG Freedom 2.0 is complete. I didn’t have any plans to build this kit yet but in the end I guess it worked out. I am starting to believe that I try to put my best efforts into my SEED builds and I hope it shows. This kit was a pretty straight forward build. There is a very minor seam line on the beam rifle that can barely be seen so its not necessary to fix.
My only negative of this kit is that its back heavy and hard to balance without a stand. Overall the kit has fantastic articulation but its a little limited at the neck. Making it hard to pull off those mean looks that the Freedom gives in the anime.


Close Ups

Alongside the previous X-Frame build.

Beam Rifle Action

Full Burst Mode

Beam Saber Action

Gunpla Builders Contest 2021 Pose

Life size Freedom Statue Pose