Introducing the Carnos Core Gundam MK II equipped with a heavy bombardment unit known as the Veetwo [Carnos Rise]. The Carnos Core Gundam MK II is equipped with a variety of armaments and additional support units.

And as such, it uses its wide variety of weapons to combat against enemy mobile suits. These include:
- 2 Core Spray guns (one of which can be converted into the Big Beam Bazooka)
- 2 GN beam pistols
- 1 rotary grenade launcher
- 2 beam sabers
The Veetwo [Carnos Rise] armor includes it’s own built in armaments which includes:
- 2 multi missile pods
- 2 multi missile launchers
- 2 lancer missiles
- 2 hand missile pods

Alongside its weapons is the Machine Quad Rider for it to speed into battle and the Armament Containment Unit to contain its additional weaponry.

Tamiya Paint Cans Used
- AS-1 Dark Green (INJ)
- AS-9 Dark Green (RAF)
- AS-29 Grey Green
- PS-41 Bright Silver
- TS-42 Light Gun Metal
- TS-4 German Grey
- TS-82 Black Rubber
- PS-42 Translucent Yellow
- AS-23 Light Green (German Air)
- AS-3 Grey Green (Luftwaffe)