After around 3 years I thought it was time to finally paint the RX-78-(0)2 in the original colors and I used the MG GTO kit as a base.

I think it’s quite a neat kit and since I wanted it to look good next to my MG NU Gundam I deceded to keep the colors quite simple, which means a basic primary red, bright blue, slightly orange yellow and the same two tone white I used on the NU which on this kit meant masking which is a skill I want to improve. Besides the masking this is essentially a pretty basic build and paint job, which means no metal parts, photo etch parts or tons of decals. Speaking of decals I used a mix of the MG 3.0 and HG GTO decals which worked out pretty good. I probably could have used more decals but I wanted to keep it simple and quick.

Now one of the appealing parts of this kit is the amount of weapons it comes with, as well as the effects. Which is pretty nice and you can go for a light or a heavy loadout. And yes I omitted the secondary scope on the prototype beam rifle as I thing it detracts from the tactical look it has, maybe I’ll just add a small piece of metal pipe to fill the gap.

Now some pictures of the open cockpit. I like the way it works on this kit as you can actually see the pilot figure and the mechanism is easy and doesn’t scratch the paint. The last picture are just the way I’ll probably have it displayed in my case.