Starting with the Odysseus Gundam I added about 6.5mm to the arms and legs, 3mm to the neck, and12.5mm to the waste. The goal was to give the gundam a more dynamic proportion in and out of the fixed flight pack. I added styrene plating for armor paneling as well as hinges and buckles, scribed additional panel lines, and added heat sinks to increase the detail and resolution of the kit. This was done to both the Odysseus and the Penelope flight pack. I removed 12.5mm from the overhead tower to allow the head to be seen easier as well as adding two additional horns to give it a more menacing feel. I removed 12mm from the chest armor and adjusted the angle down to open the area to see the face easier. I scratch built the heat sink area where the material was removed on the chest armor. I removed about 12mm from the x and y axis of the front skirts to decrease the size to allow more of the legs to be seen letting the dynamic proportions show through. I had to re-scribe the entire front skirt pattern.
It really has been one hell of a journey…. almost like an odyssey of sorts