Ksahtriya 1:100

LeviathanPrime on Nov 20, 2023

Ksahtriya 1:100

LeviathanPrime on Nov 20, 2023

Ksahtriya 1:100

Complete teardown of the Metal Club 1:100 Kshatriya. Made from the same molds as the Elyn kit but now sold as a mostly completed build. Using the instruction from the Elyn kit, I was able to diassemble, break the glued parts, and find all the hidden screws to get this thing down to base parts.
ItsaGunpla once noted that if someone was determined enough, they could do a lot with this kit. I took that as a personal challenge. Built my own custom LED circuits for all the thrusters in the wings, monoeye, and on the back. Stashed all switches and batteries in the read skit. Added magnetic cover plate and completely replaced the troublesome joint connecting the skirt to the waist. Part clean up, nub removal, panel line scribing, and then a full repaint. Replaced power cables in the waist, chest, arms and legs with metal parts and springs or guitar string.
Full repaint including inner frame. Reverse washed used for chest and wrist sleeves. Added new waterslide decals and added light weathering.