Calamity Gundam fully panle lined & stickerd

Rainruto on Aug 6, 2021

Base Kit
NG GAT-X131 Calamity GundamLike I always do I started building the backpack & weapons. With this build I wanted to show it off fully without doing my own customization. However I might do some weathering to it to pull more of the details out. HF,SS,KB&RGF

I hope you guys like seeing progression post. But anyways for what I’m using for panle lining are the Gundam Markers GM01 Black,GM02 Gray & GM03 Brown. I’m using black for the color parts gray for the light gray parts surprisingly I didn’t think that the gray marker wouldn’t show on the light gray parts but it was just dark enough to show & using brown on red & yellow parts. So far I’m liking how this kit is turning out with the stickers now time to move on to Calamity Gundam himself.

Doing the stickers on this kit were a little tricky at first but I figured it out. On the corners of some of the stickers I had to shave them with a exato-knife. In the last picture I circled the spots that I shaved off from the stickers.

The chest unit was a little complicated to panle line still got it done. For my opinion on this kit. Its a great and sturdy kit no loose parts all around an amazing kit

With the waist unit I cut the back skirt in half so the can move freely i should have done it to the dual cannons on the shield but I forgot to do that lol

The leg units were a fun part of this build especially the feet and doing the panle lines for them the stickers are in good spots to see them.

Now that I’m finished with this build. I add the extra stickers in locations that I think looks good at I did take pictures of them yet. I might edit this post in the future with those pictures but they’ll be on my Twitter page for sure lol