The Most popular Gundam’s in America Are from the Wing series & The Wing Gundam is always the one people go to the most on average.
I’m not the hugest fan of the Wing MG kits, the inner frame is lacking & the size is also an issue for me. I like Big kits that command attention.
BUT this MG Kit has changed my view point on Wing MG’s enough to hope the other suits get this treatment, but knowing Bandai it wont happen.

For the Wings I tried some different shades and tones to make it look like a bird feather, in all of my foolishness I pushed it ONE shade to far and killed days worth of work the accent feathers are the only sign of the original intended shading.
I’m always looking for that little bit extra when painting, one more tone in color. Since these kits are plastic my goal is to always paint in a way that gives the illusion of light from almost any angle. but one mistake is all it takes to ruin your work. Oh well.